
VeeFriends Series 2 Mint

Starting on Tuesday, April 12th, people who made the Friends List will be able to begin minting their VeeFriends Series 2 NFTs.  Series 1 holders will also be able to start minting at the same time and will have until the end of the year to claim their FREE plus gas NFT(s).

For those on the Friends List, the mint price will be approximately $995USD in ETH and you will have 12.5 days after minting has opened.  Be sure to check the VeeFriends Discord or their Twitter account for the most up-to-date information.

Public mint will be happening on April 25th at 1pm EDT and will last 24 hours.  To get on the public mint allowlist, check out this recent tweet from VeeFriends:

The event is finished.


Apr 12 - 24 2022


All Day

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