Lazy Lions Announce Unique Open Edition Mint

Glitch is back and he’s up to no good.
Lazy Lions

Earlier this week, Lazy Lions DEVs Ashur and Nine teased us with a cryptic conversation and screen recording of the NFT project’s official website. For those of us who have been following the Lazy Lions lore, it gave us a sneaking suspicion that Glitch was back!

Glitch is the Lazy Lions’ infamous antagonist and we’ve seen him pop up before but never quite like this. Even the official OpenSea Twitter account is no match for his Dark Energy πŸ‘€

Glitch has been terrorizing the Pride for some time now – you can see him mischievously peering in from a distance in the 2022 Lazy Lions Roadmap.

Lazy Lions Roadmap 2022

We even saw him make an appearance in Times Square!

We’ve seen him play tricks on the Lazy Lions and we learned more about his backstory in Lazy Comic #1 which was launched in the Summer of 2022.

Lazy Comic #1

Fast forward to present day (March 26th, 2023 to be exact) and he’s back with a whole new plan of destruction. In addition to taking hold of the Lazy Lions website, he has also seized control of the Discord server where he has announced his grand operation.

Glitch’s Army: Dark Energy

This Open Edition mint is the first of its kind and includes deflationary technology, mini-games, dynamic on-chain art, and the chance to win one of 80 Lions on Bitcoin!

Here are the dates and times you need to remember:

March 28th at 4pm PT: Free claim for Full Set holders (OG Lion with two matching cubs)
March 28th at 4:30pm PT: Open to Lazy NFT holders – 0.01659 ETH each
March 28th at 5pm PT: public mint 24-hour – 0.021 ETH each

And, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • You collect Dark Energy by minting the Open Edition NFT. Each Open Edition is worth 100 Dark Energy.
  • There will be only one Dark Energy NFT per wallet. As you add more Open Editions to your wallet, they will be added to your existing NFT, making it more powerful with each addition. This means that as you add more to the same wallet, the supply will begin to diminish, making the supply deflationary.
  • With burning built into the contract, there is no need to manually burn any NFTs. This is thanks to the fact that the Dark Energy combines in the metadata.
  • Every mint gives you the chance to win a game pass to Glitch’s mini-game. While your on-chain art will grow as you collect Dark Energy, it also has the capacity to experience a penalty as part of the mini-games.
  • The more Dark Energy you collect, the more you increase your chances of winning an Ordinal (Bitcoin Lion). The Ordinals will consist of all-new generative art and no two Ordinals will be the same.
  • The top 40 Dark Energy holders as of March 30th at 5pm PT will automatically receive an Ordinal spot. There will be 80 mint spots in total.
  • Based on how much Dark Energy is accumulated, Lazy Lions, Cubs and Bungalow holders will receive ROAR Points.
  • Check out the team’s latest Medium article for complete details.

Considering this mint is a confirmed collaboration with OpenSea and the fact that it will be the first of its kind in the web3 space, we’re excited to see how it all plays out. Plus, we’re a fan of anything that brings back those coveted 2021 vibes and it’s safe to say that this mint certainly has.

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