NFT Projects Building on NFT Worlds

NFT Worlds is taking play to earn gaming to a whole new level and collectors & projects alike are taking notice.
NFT Worlds

It’s no surprise that NFT Worlds has garnered the attention and success that it has thus far. Already being explored by thousands of players daily, NFT Worlds has the capability to remain at the forefront of the playable metaverse game due to its fully programmable & customizable nature along with its ability to onboard non-NFT players. Using Minecraft and its open-source ecosystem, the team is able to offer a familiar gaming experience to the millions of people who already play Minecraft. A key difference? Introducing that play to earn layer.

In addition to building a fully decentralized and community-driven P2E gaming platform, NFT Worlds has introduced the $WRLD token. $WRLD is an ERC-20 token and is the primary token used when playing in an NFT World. It can be used by players to access exclusive in-game experiences, content and perks that are created by world owners. Players can also be rewarded with $WRLD tokens through winning competitions and playing games.

Currently, there are over 100 NFT projects and communities building on NFT Worlds – many of which have thousands of enthusiastic and supportive members just waiting for the chance to play. Below, we’ll have a look at two NFT projects that are taking full advantage of NFT Worlds.

Gray Boys

Gray Boys was cofounded by ArkDev and Temptranquil – the same team that created NFT Worlds. With the purchase of a Gray Boys NFT, you will receive a membership to The Mothership DAO. As outlined in their whitepaper, The Mothership DAO was developed with the ability to “pass on perks, utility, verifiability, exclusive content access and more by proxy to all members of the DAO for any NFT of any NFT project that The Mothership DAO acquires”. Owning a Gray Boys NFT allows a holder to have acces to NFT projects that they would have otherwise been priced out of as well as frationalized ownership of the NFTs found in the community wallet.

1 Gray Boy NFT = 1 DAO Vote
1 Gray Boy NFT = 1/10,000 fractionalized ownership of the DAO’s NFTs, tokens, etc.

The NFTs purchased by The Mothership DAO will be chosen by an voted on by DAO members and 50% of secondary market royalties will be deposited into the DAO to contribute to future NFT acquisition.

White Paper:


Having recently acquired their 30th world, and a top 1% world at that, Skuxxverse has quickly solidified itself as one of the top players in the P2E metaverse space. In-game experiences will include scavenger hunts, tournaments, mini games, community voted infrastructure and more. One of the Skuxxverse worlds, world #3049, is featured on the NFT Worlds website and is verified by the NFT Worlds team.

The Skuxxverse NFT project is comprised of 7,777 passes which are broken out into three different colors: 777 gold passes, 3,500 red passes and 3,500 blue passes.

Gold Passes: Receives a mansion built inside Skuxxverse and added in-game utility.
Red Passes: Receives a townhouse/apartment built inside Skuxxverse.
Blue Passes: Receives a townhouse/apartment built inside Skuxxverse.

In addition to gaining special access to exclusive events and member only content, all pass holders will receive a share of $WRLD tokens generated through staking, renting and in-game economy. While 65% of total distribution is spread out equally across all passes, the remainder is distributed based on the color of your pass as well as its number. You can determine the amount of tokens you will receive by using the payout calculator and be sure to check out this YouTube video that further explains the payout breakdown.

As part of the community DAO, which is made up of 50% minting sales and 50% secondary sales, virtual real estate such as NFT Worlds will be purchased. They will then be staked with the yield of $WRLD tokens being redistrubuted to pass holders on a monthly basis.

White Paper:

To view a full list of NFT projects building on NFT Worlds, you can visit this Google spreadsheet that has been put together by NFT Worlds.

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