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Cool Cats

14 posts
Cool Cats NFTs

Cool Cats Journey 4

Journey 4 will be taking place from March 23rd at 3pm EST to April 6th at 3pm EST. …
Cool Cats NFTs

Cool Cats Town Hall

The next Cool Cats Town Hall will be taking place on Wednesday, March 29th at 3pm EST. Mark…
Cool Cats NFTs

Cool Cats Journey 2

You have until Monday, February 27th at 3pm EST to stake your Cool Cats assets if you want…
Cool Cats NFT

Cool Cats Comic Claim

From now until February 8th, claim your physical copies of Cool Comic 2! Claim your physical copies of…
Cool Cats NFT

Cool Cats Town Hall

Hop in the Cool Cats Discord at 3pm EST on Friday, March 25th for a Town Hall meeting!…
Cool Cats NFT

Cool Cats Town Hall

Cool Cats will be hosting a Town Hall Twitter Spaces on Friday, January 14th at 5pm EST. They…