
The NFT space is an incredible place to build, learn and explore. Many NFT collectors attribute the NFT space to their newfound friends and positive online experiences. Unfortunately, while NFTs attract forward-thinking innovators, they also attract scammers due to the amount of cryptocurrency involved. It’s paramount that you stay vigilant and protect yourself from bad actors by using a hardware wallet.

Ledger Nano S
Connect Ledger to MetaMask

All Ledger Tutorials

Learn how to setup a Ledger Nano S in this step-by-step tutorial for beginners. Get started with Ledger and keep your digital assets safe. View Tutorial

Learn how to setup an account on the Ledger Live app and start managing your crypto assets such as BTC, ETH and NFTs. View Tutorial

You can send crypto such as Ethereum and Bitcoin from your Ledger using the Ledger Live App in just a few clicks! View Tutorial

Learn how to start receiving ETH and NFTs using your Ledger Nano S device. View Tutorial

Protect yourself from scams in the NFT space by connecting a Ledger hardware wallet to the MetaMask chrome extension. View Tutorial

Safety & Education Blog Posts

NFT Scams

NFT Scams and How to Avoid Them

It’s a universal truth: money + popularity breeds scams. The NFT space is no exception.
NFT Twitter Terms

Terms You Need To Know To Fit In On NFT Twitter

Put your Twitter fingers to good use with these popular NFT Twitter terms, definitions and acronyms.