Twitter Removes CoTweet Feature After Mere Months

The feature, which launched last July, has been sunsetted indefinitely.

If writing a CoTweet with a friend on Twitter was something you wanted to try in 2023, you’re simply out of luck. Twitter has officially announced that the feature will no longer be available as of January 31st. The new feature was introduced in July of last year – before Musk’s takeover – only to be sunsetted by the social networking giant a few months later.

While the feature was shortlived, you will continue to see any existing CoTweets for one month. However, at the end of that month, all CoTweets will turn into regular retweets. The company has posted an apology in its Help Center to anyone who will be inconvenienced by the move and thanked everyone for their creativity and participation up until this point.

What is (or was) CoTweets?

CoTweeting was a way for two Twitter users to share the same Tweet with their respective audiences. Theoretically, this would double engagement and help both parties increase their reach and even gain new followers by crossing over into each other’s timelines.

In order to complete a CoTweet, a Twitter user would draft up a Tweet like they normally would and then hit the CoTweet icon to invite another user. Once the invitation was accepted by the second user, they could send it out to the world.

The future of CoTweets

While Twitter has sunsetted its CoTweet feature, the company has shared the fact that it has seen a lot of creativity from users throughout its short run. Given Elon’s new, experimental approach, we can likely expect additional features to come and go in the near future.

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